MT Logistik plants a total of over 12,000 trees.
At MT Logistik, we want to set a clear example for climate protection. That’s why we launched a project over 10 years ago in which we commit to planting one tree in the Wetzlar region for every 2 tonnes of air freight transported. In this way, we not only want to neutralise part of the CO2 emissions, but also live up to our ecological responsibility.
The first field operation took place in March 2012, in collaboration with our partner, Hessen-Forst, during which the first 500 trees were planted in the Wetzlar-Münchholzhausen region. The entire MT Logistik team is proud of this project and is pleased that, 10 years on, more than 12,000 trees have been planted in the local region.
In November 2022, our two world companions Julia Küster and Jasmin Fritzjus supported our partner in a planting campaign of another 2825 trees. As MT Logistik, we are proud of over 15,000 trees in the last 12 years and thus of our contribution to a more sustainable world.